

显示中 481-4902415 结果

R-741 Titanium Dioxide

Ti-Pure™ R-741 is manufactured by slurrying Ti-Pure™ R-931 with water and dispersants under conditions that optimize the paint performance of the pigment in the architectural coating.

Submission of Quarterly Progress Report Pursuant to Consent Order Paragraph 28

Chemours is pleased to submit the enclosed quarterly progress report, as required under paragraph 28 of the Consent Order entered by the Superior Court for Bladen County on February 25, 2019. This quarterly progress report details the work and activities undertaken and completed pursuant to the Consent Order and Addendum for the period from April 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021.


本手册是淳泰™钛白粉在涂料领域的应用指南,介绍了钛白粉颜料的特性和功能。 本手册既可以作为行业新人的入门指南,也可以作为业内资深人士的参考指南。

Chemours 2023 Sustainability Performance Scorecard

2023 Chemours Sustainability Report

Chemistry for a better world.

Opteon™ XP10 Retrofit Guidelines to Replace R-134a

Opteon™ XP10 is a low global warming potential (GWP) hydrofluoro-olefin (HFO)-based refrigerant developed to replace R-134a in medium-temperature refrigeration systems.

Opteon™ XP10 (R-513A)

Next Generation Refrigeration Alternative for R-134a

HFO Refrigerants Solutions: Energy Efficiency is a Critical Factor

Discover how low GWP HFO refrigerants are the ideal long-term solution to maximize environmental and economical benefits.

Sustainable strategies in refrigerated storage - Mascaró Morera Serveis Logistics choose Opteon™

Energy Efficiency is a term that is gaining more and more importance, especially in the context of global carbon reduction targets to fight climate change.

Chemours 2021 CRC Performance Scorecard