我们的 2030 年目标
Critical Chemistries
显示中 2041-2050 的 2505 结果
Juntamente com a Política Global de Privacidade de Informações e Declaração de Privacidade da Chemours, este aviso descreve as práticas da Chemours em conexão com as informações pessoais relacionadas ao candidato.
连同 Chemours’ Global Information Privacy Policy and Privacy Statement,本声明描述了 科慕对求职者相关的个人信息的处理方法。
Chemours 의 글로벌 개인정보 보호 정책 및 개인정보 취급 방침과 더불어 본 공지에서는 구직자 개인정보와 관련된 Chemours의 관행을 기술합니다.
Diese Erklärung beschreibt zusammen mit der Globalen Datenschutzrichtlinie und der Datenschutzrichtlinie von Chemours die Vorgehensweise von Chemours in Bezug auf personenbezogene Daten von Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern.
本通知は、ケマーズのグローバル情報プライバシーポリシーおよびプライバシーステートメントとともに、 求人応募者関連の個人情報に関するケマーズの慣行について説明するものです。
Conjointement avec la Politique mondiale de confidentialité des informations de Chemours et la Déclaration de confidentialité, le présent avis décrit les pratiques de Chemours en matière d'informations personnelles concernant les candidats à des postes.
Together with the Chemours’ Global Information Privacy Policy and Privacy Statement, this notice describes Chemours practices in connection with job applicant-related personal information
Deze verklaring beschrijft samen met de Algemeen beleid Chemours inzake privacy van gegevens en privacyverklaring hoe Chemours omgaat met de persoonsgegevens van sollicitanten.
Through an audit, documented in a report, it was verified that the management system fulfills the requirements of the following standard: ISO 9001 : 2015
This letter is to give an update from the letters sent in October 2012 and August 2013 and inform only our European Customers that it is our intention to stop selling the following products in Europe as of December 1st, 2016.
使用我们的数据库访问产品 SDS。